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Standardized Scheduling Paradigm



United States Space Force, Moorman Space Education and Training Center


Research, User Roles, Interviews, Heuristic Evaluation, Wireframes, Mockup


Tested a paradigm model to standardize scheduling

I developed and tested a low-fidelity prototype integrating multiple data sources, transitioning the system from simple data capture to a schedule generation tool. I compiled desktop research, conducted user interviews, developed a design workshop, and led prototype evaluations to test a paradigm for standardizing scheduling.

Disclaimer: The nature of this work is confidential, and per DoD compliance, the case study contains fictionalized data and omits project details. The case study presents a summary of my experience and design process.

Problem Statement

Explore a paradigm for standardizing schedule creation through understanding organizational priorities and assets.


Developing the standardized scheduling paradigm and usability testing produced a baseline for stakeholders to evaluate operational decisions.

Future Recommendations

  • Conduct additional interviews identifying secondary roles and tasks

  • Increase dev team involvement for further design assessments

  • Refine prototype's maturity to improving usability testing capabilities

My Role

UX Designer

UX Skills

Qualitative Research

Persona/ User Roles


Task Analysis

Usability Testing


Heuristic Evaluation


Google Suite




Design Process


A challenge encountered was a limited time frame resulting in developing a 1-day workshop to capture user frustrations, needs, and desired outcomes. While the short time frame presented obstacles to capturing user information, focusing on task analysis revealed insightful details about current procedures and processes.

My Responsibilities

  • As a UX Designer, I collaborated with stakeholders and colleagues to develop project objectives and goals while my Team and I captured user experiences and tested their mental models. 

  • I was responsible for coordinating research activities, developing a design workshop with Miro, and using Figma to lead wireframe development.

Initial Iteration

Secondary Research

  • Conduct a series of desktop research activities learning about the client’s prior efforts and strategies

  • Reviewed scheduling projects, examining their insights into personas, user journeys, and task flows

  • Realized schedules are similar to blueprints providing wayfinding information

Design Workshop

Workshop Activities

  • Integrated blueprint analogy to develop a task analysis workshop to capture user frustrations

  • Developed user journeys to capture task flows and user expectations

Workshop: Day One Outline

What information do we need to gather, and how will that data be useful?

Research Synthesis


  • Triangulated workshop’s outcomes with desktop research resulted in an informational flow diagram

Information Flow Diagram

  • Mapped various data sources revealing that scheduling is similar to asset management  

  • Realized that scheduling is managing relationship and priorities between assets categories

Task Flow Diagram

Optimized Task Flow

Identifying manually intensive process, error prone procedures, and knowledge dependencies 


Low-fidelity mockup 

  • Created low-fidelity simple boxed wireframes using Figma while collaborating with colleagues  

Informal Design Critiques

  • Conducted informal group design critique to assess design and prepare for user testing

  • Tested refined wireframes with dev team members uncovering potential system constraints

  • Final wireframes evaluated by users revealing the design’s functionality aligned with their expectations


Lo-fi wireframes visualizing modular components to view and edit schedule defaults

Disclaimer: A generic example showcases design tasks and omits project details due to project confidentiality.

Usability Analysis

Design Handoff

  • Compiled usability evaluations and feedback and then updated wireframes

  • Clarified design notes and detailed design interaction behaviors for Figma presentation file


Developing the standardized scheduling paradigm and usability testing produced a baseline for stakeholders to evaluate operational decisions.

Future Recommendations

  • Conduct additional interviews identifying secondary roles and tasks

  • Increase dev team involvement for further design assessments

  • Refine prototype's maturity to improving usability testing capabilities

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